Hannah V. Sawyerr is a Sierra Leonean-American award-winning writer with a passion for people and poetry. For Hannah's literary and community involvement, she was recognized as the 2016 Inaugural Youth Poet Laureate of Baltimore, an honor awarded by DewMore Baltimore, the Baltimore Mayor's Office, Urban Word NYC, and Enoch Pratt Libraries. She is a National Medalist in the NAACP Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO) in the category of poetry. She has also been featured on the British Broadcasting Channel's (BBC) "World Have Your Say" program, as well as the National Education Association's "Do You Hear Us" Campaign for her original poem "A Salone Man's Refuge" regarding the experience of her refugee father and her experience as a first-generation American. Her written work has been featured in several publications such as ROOKIE, Sesi Mag, and Theories of HER. Hannah's first collection of poetry "For Girls Growing into Their Hips" was published in November of 2017 by Penmanship books. Currently, she is studying English at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland.
To connect with Hannah, email her at poetnamedhannah@gmail.com.