Omobosola Olabisi, a Nigerian millennial is the founder of AfroKlash; a conference and community series for women by women for a unique “klashing” of minds in a fun, insightful, and safe space. A published writer, Olabisi has known for her knack to curate engaging and intimate spaces, particularly for women.
She recognized a gap in conversations, events, and spaces for women, African women, in particular, to find these spaces to build community, gain advice and inspiration. In addition, so many women doing amazing things were not always given the platform to share their unique stories and insights they possessed. Thus, she responded with AfroKlash which had it’s a first sold-out event in October 2019 and is set to become a global multi-faceted brand across varying platforms and countries.
A graduate of Howard University and the University of Maryland, College Park, Olabisi combines her passions for writing and education to highlight the careers, conversations, and challenges of women.